Responsible Person in Healthcare: Control of Legionella in Hot & Cold Water & Evaporative Cooling – LCA 9013
LCA 9013 is a City & Guilds accredited three day classroom based legionella training course designed specifically for candidates who operate within hospitals and other healthcare environments and have been appointed the “Responsible Person”; and who have responsibility for hot and cold water services, evaporative cooling systems including cooling towers and other water systems that may present legionella and/or Pseudomonas risks.
This course deals specifically with the requirements of the Department of Health’s (DoH) Health Technical Memorandum HTM 04-01 “The control of Legionella, hygiene, “safe” hot water, cold water and drinking water systems” Parts A & B, Pseudomonas Addendums; and the Health & Safety Executive’s (HSE) Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 “Legionnaires’ disease: Control of legionella bacteria in water systems”.
Who Should Attend?
This training course is ideal for candidates who operate within hospitals and other healthcare environments and have been appointed the “Responsible Person” or deputy responsible person in accordance the DoH’s HTM 04-01 and the HSE’s ACOP L8.
Typical candidates will have day-to-day responsibility for the management and control of legionella and Pseudomonas risks created by hot and cold water services, evaporative cooling and other risk systems.
Learning Outcomes
Candidates will gain a detailed understanding of both the current regulatory framework specific to the control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water services, evaporative cooling and other risk systems; and those steps required to achieve compliance with the law.
Additionally, this course will also give candidates the skills and technical knowledge to implement, manage and review appropriate legionella and Pseudomonas control measures and risk management strategies specific to hot and cold water services, cooling water systems and other engineered water systems that may present a risk in accordance with the DoH’s HTM 04-01 Parts A & B, Pseudomonas Addendums, the HSE’s ACOP L8, and the health and safety guidance documents HSG274 Parts 1, 2 and 3.
Course Pre-Qualification Requirements
None, although prior knowledge of health and safety management, engineered water systems and issues dealing with the control of legionella and Pseudomonas risks would be of benefit.
Course Content
- Introduction.
- Knowledge of the origins of Legionnaires’ disease, legionella bacteria and the multiplication factors which allow it to proliferate in engineered water systems.
- Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.
- Legionella, Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in hospitals and other healthcare environments.
- Awareness of current legal requirements, approved codes of practice and best practice guidance.
- HSE ACOP L8 document “Legionnaires’ disease: Control of legionella bacteria in water systems”.
- Review of the differences between the DoH’s HTM 04-01 and the HSE’s ACOP L8.
- HSE HSG274 Part 1 – “Legionnaires’ disease – Technical guidance: The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems”.
- HSE HSG274 Part 2 – “Legionnaires’ disease – Technical guidance: The control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems”.
- HSE HSG274 Part 3 – “Legionnaires’ disease – Technical guidance: The control of legionella bacteria in other risk systems”.
- Basic design of water systems.
- Contractor management.
- Interpreting and reviewing legionella risk assessments as defined in BS 8580:2010.
- Interpreting and reviewing logbooks (electronic and paper).
- Practical skills for monitoring and inspecting hot and cold water systems.
- Practical skills for the weekly monitoring of evaporative cooling systems.
- Application of cooling water treatment chemicals
- Understanding the desired outcomes and performance metrics used by water treatment specialists (monthly/quarterly/six monthly water chemistry tests).
- Understanding inspection, cleaning and disinfection requirements in line with the HSE’s HSG274.
- Learning from case studies.
- Examination – assessment and test of competence.
- Discussion and feedback.
On successful completion of this course candidates will receive a City & Guilds “Certificate of Attainment” for this course.
This certificate should be retained as evidence of formal training in this subject.
Course Duration
Three days.
Training Course Dates
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Course Booking
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Additional Information
For further information about this responsible person training course or to make a booking please contact our dedicated training team on +44 (0) 330 223 36 86 or get in touch here … contact us