Health & Safety Executive to Proactively Target Legionella Compliance in 2018-2019
The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Business Plan for 2018-2019 makes interesting reading from a water safety and legionella control perspective. The plan spotlights legionella as an area of high-consequence risk alongside fairgrounds and major construction projects. It also tells us that HSE inspectors will be focusing much more on the control and management of legionella risks in the workplace, with an extensive programme of proactive inspections starting in Q4.
The HSE’s plan which sets out actions for the next 12 months includes revised guidance for employers to assess and manage mental ill health, a new guide on how to implement ISO 45001 dealing with information security, efforts to improve the reporting and transparency of safety performance in high-hazard sectors together with a programme of interventions to control high-consequence risks from legionella, fairgrounds and major construction projects. The programme of interventions dealing with legionella is targeted to start Q4 2018/19.
“The HSE says it will deliver around 20,000 proactive inspections in 2018/2019”
The HSE says it will deliver around 20,000 proactive inspections, which will involve major campaigns targeting priority issues in high-risk industries. As part of their targeted programme they will also deliver inspection campaigns of third parties providing services to control legionella risks, including water treatment contractors, legionella risk assessors and cleaning contractors.
What should you do?
As an area of high-consequence risk alongside fairgrounds and major construction projects and the HSE’s extensive programme of proactive inspections, it could be a good time to review your own legionella management and control processes to ensure they are effective, up to date and legally compliant. If you would like to ensure you are meetng your legal obligations in this area please call us today on 0330 223 36 87 to learn how we can help.
Legionella and water safety specialists
Our teams of water safety specialists support those responsible for the control of waterborne pathogens including Legionella bacteria in the workplace, helping them to protect their people and meet their health and safety obligations in this specialist area. We deliver professional water safety legionella risk assessments, water testing, independent compliance auditing, City & Guilds training and other environmental risk management services that help keep staff, students and others safe.
If you have questions about any of the issues raised above or you would like to speak with one of our legionella specialists please call us today on 0330 223 36 87 or contact us here.