Methods for Achieving Legionella Disinfection
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerHere, the water safety experts at Legionella Control International briefly examine how seven specific methods can be useful in helping to prevent Legionella bacteria from contaminating man-made water systems and causing illness in humans.
What to Do When Legionella is Found in Hospitals?
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerIn this article the legionella and water safety experts at Legionella Control International look at what to do when legionella is discovered in a hospital or healthcare setting. It looks at the role of Public Health England, Health Protection Teams and the hospital Water Safety Group and considers the key responsibilities. It looks at when the Health Protection Team needs to be notified of any leg
Understanding Legionella Cultures Through Testing
/in Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerEven though we often speak of Legionella bacteria as one species, there are in fact dozens of variations. Some 58 species of the bacteria have thus far been identified, many of which can cause disease and illness in humans. Only by taking water samples to test, then isolate any Legionella bacteria in them can we work out which member of the family we are faced with.
Legionella Risk Assessor for London & South East
/in International, Legionella, News /by Simon DoonerThis full-time role will involve the delivery of specialist legionella risk assessments, training, consultancy and risk management advice to clients.
The role is primarily home based covering London and the South East of England although the job may also require travel throughout the United Kingdom and internationally.
Guide to HTM 04-01: Safe Water in Hospitals & Healthcare Premises
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella, News /by Simon DoonerIn this review the healthcare experts at Legionella Control International take a detailed look at the Department of Health’s HTM 04-01 and how it can guide those responsible for the delivery and management of water supplies and provision of safe water in hospitals and healthcare premises.
How Temperature Influences Legionella Growth
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella, News /by Stuart DoonerIn this review the experts at Legionella Control International look at how water temperatures influence legionella growth and how this information can be used to control the risks from the bacteria.
How Many Legionella Species Exist & Which Ones are Dangerous?
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerWhile there are more than 50 different recognised Legionella species, less than half of those can cause illness in humans. However, while around 20 species are known to be harmful to us, just one has been identified as the cause of most outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease. Learn more …
Practical Guide to Controlling Legionella in Water Systems
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerOne could be forgiven for becoming overwhelmed at the number of tasks required to control the levels of Legionella bacteria in a water system. However, there are some essential steps that should make it easier to ensure you cover all the salient points when assessing and controlling legionella risks in your own water systems.
Do Ice Machines Spread Legionnaires Disease?
/in Compliance, Guidance, International, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerIce machines and chilled water dispensers are becoming increasingly popular both at home and in the workplace where they are used for a variety of purposes. At first glance, the freezing water temperatures used to create ice would suggest that opportunities for bacterial growth would be very limited and so the risks to people using them insignificant. However, this may not always be the case …