How to Deal with Positive Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Test Results
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerHow to Deal with Positive Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Test Results In this technical review the healthcare water specialists at Legionella Control International examine the challenges posed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in high risk hospital environments, and what to do if your water tests come back positive. The review outlines what Pseudomonas aeruginosa is, typical symptoms of infection […]
Is Chlorine Dioxide the Perfect Way to Control Legionella Bacteria?
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerChlorine and chlorine dioxide are two popular, but very different chemicals that are commonly used to treat water against lots of different bugs including legionella and other potentially dangerous bacteria. Both have their advantages and disadvantages especially when it comes to the control of Legionella bacteria in water systems.
How Does Pipework Size Influence Legionella in Water Systems?
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerHow Does Pipework Size Influence Legionella Growth in Building Water Systems? In this article, the water safety experts at Legionella Control International look at the role and importance of good building services design, and how, if it’s done correctly it can influence the control of legionella and other waterborne pathogens in building plumbing systems long […]
What is ACOP L8 and What Does It Say About Legionella?
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerWhat is ACOP L8 & What Does It Say About Controlling Legionella? The Health and Safety Executive Approved Code of Practice L8 (ACOP L8) is a key document, offering essential direction and guidance to help business owners and those responsible for workplace safety manage the risks associated with legionella and Legionnaires’ disease. In this guide […]
Does a Lower Boiler Temperature Increase Legionella Risk?
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella, News /by Simon DoonerDoes a Lower Boiler Temperature Increase Legionella Risk? With the current cost of living crisis, many people have been carefully following the news about increasing gas and electricity prices since last year. Even though the UK Government has stepped in to help struggling consumers, energy prices are still far higher than they were two years […]
How to Write a Water Safety Plan
/in Compliance, Guidance, International, Legionella /by Simon DoonerHow to Write a Water Safety Plan In this guide, written by the Authorising Engineering team at Legionella Control International, we review the rising popularity and use of Water Safety Plans in healthcare, public and commercial premises, focussing on how to write one that will work to keep people safe at all stages of the […]
Legionella Management: The Basics of Getting it Right
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerLegionella Management: The Basics of Getting it Right Legionnaires’ disease is a serious lung infection similar to pneumonia, that can develop from inhaling very fine water droplets contaminated with Legionella bacteria. Fortunately, with proper management of manmade water systems, it is preventable. In the UK every business owner, landlord or duty holder is legally responsible […]
Controlling Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in Healthcare Water Systems
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerControlling Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in Healthcare Water Systems Nontuberculous mycobacteria, often abbreviated to NTM, are separate from mycobacteria tuberculosis, which as the name suggests, are responsible for causing tuberculosis in humans. Nontuberculous mycobacteria can still cause lung infections, however, and should be viewed as a significant risk factor in a manmade water system, espec
What Temperature Kills Legionella in Water?
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Simon DoonerWhat Temperature Kills Legionella Bacteria in Water? Legionella bacteria are present in many water sources. This includes natural sources, although they do not usually present any issues when in lakes or rivers as they are only there in small quantities. Most of the time, low concentrations of legionella bacteria do not cause any issues when […]