Legionella Control International’s guide to legionella risk assessments for dental practices has been prepared to help those involved in the provision of dental services, including dentists, dental support staff and service engineers to understand more about legionella risk assessments including whether you need one, and what is involved if you do.
Assessing Legionella Risks – Swan-Necks & Pigtails
/in Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerThe use of swan-necks, a “U” shaped pipework bend, and pigtails a “spiral” shaped bend in hot and cold water systems is often subject to much debate.
Legionella Checklist for Schools, Universities & Colleges
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerLegionella compliance for schools, colleges, universities and other education premises is an essential organisational risk management process that must be carefully managed. Get to grips with the process with our legionella checklist.
Guide to Legionella Compliance for Care Homes
/in Compliance, Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerLegionella compliance for residential care homes, nursing homes and healthcare premises is an essential process that must be carefully managed as the consequences of getting it wrong can be serious.
HTM 01-05 – Legionella Risk Assessments for Dental Practices
/in Compliance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerLegionella Control International’s guide to legionella risk assessments for dental practices has been prepared to help those involved in the provision of dental services, including dentists, dental support staff and service engineers to understand more about legionella risk assessments including whether you need one, and what is involved if you do.
Health & Safety Executive Warns Hospital Over Legionella Failings
/in Legionella, News /by Stuart DoonerThe UK’s Health & Safety Executive has issued a warning to organisations concerning their responsibilities to control levels of Legionella bacteria after they fined a Liverpool hospital for serious legionella control related failings.
How Good is your Legionella Risk Assessment?
/in Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerThe UK’s Health and Safety Executive have recently issued a warning concerning the standard of legionella risk assessments following the successful conviction of a UK water treatment company that conducted inadequate and misleading surveys at several nursing homes.
Legionella Responsible Person – Job Description & Legionella Training
/in Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerIn a legionella control context the term “Responsible Person” is identified in the Health & Safety Exectutive’s Approved Code of Practice document L8 as someone with day-to-day responsibility for controlling any identified risk from Legionella bacteria.
Précis of HTM 04-01 – Safe Water in Healthcare
/in Compliance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerHTM 04 or to give it its full title “Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: Safe water in healthcare premises” was first published by the Department of Health in 2006 replacing HTM 2027 and HTM2040.
Barrow Legionnaires Disease Outbreak 2002
/in Guidance, Legionella, News /by Stuart DoonerThe UK’s Health & Safety Executive’s final report in to the events surrounding the Barrow outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in 2002.
Legionella Monitoring – Sampling Cooling Towers for Legionella
/in Guidance, Legionella /by Stuart DoonerAll legionella monitoring programmes for cooling water systems should include routine sampling and testing for the presence of bacteria, both general (aerobic) bacterial species and Legionella bacteria.